100 Club Subscription

Friends of Brinklow Parish Church 100 Club £12 a year per subscription is all you need to have the chance of winning!!! Join by January 4th 2017 to be eligible for 1st draw of 2017 In 2016 we had 137 members who paid £1640 in subs giving £820 to church and £820 in...

Christmas Concert

Rejoice Ye Mortals All with Immanuel’s Ground Quire Warwick. Christmas Concert, St John’s Church, Brinklow being held on Saturday 10th December 2016 @ 7.00pm. Tickets £6 from: Tel 01788 832098

100 Club Winners Super Draw

Super draw £100 prize no.108, £60 prize no.59 and £30 prize no.72. The usual monthly draw will be made on Sunday Dec 4th. New or renewal subscriptions for 2017 are due before the end of December 2016 – £12 for 12 months.

Church Restoration Fund

Christmas Coffee Morning Saturday November 26th 10:00 – 12:00 Brinklow Community Hall St. John’s 100 CLUB Members can renew their membership for 2017 – just £12 for the year. This year’s winter bonus draw will take place 10th November at 11-30am. £100...

November 100 Club Winners

The 100 club draw for November winning numbers are 31 who receives £25 and 46 who receives £10. Contact Margaret Saxon on 832225 or email her on margaret.saxon@morespeed.net

Neighbourhood Development Plan v7

Brinklow Parish Council would like to make the following observations for consideration under the Draft Consultation process, regards the proposal to build 100 new homes in the Parish and the proposal to locate a ‘new village’ at the site of Walsgrave Hill Farm,...

Recent Incidents

I am very much aware of the local feeling about the recent incidents in Brinklow and how this is impacting on the local community. I am also aware of the concerns raised by residents on the Brinklow village facebook page. Having read the posts on there, I became...

October 100 Club Winners

The 100 club winners for October are number 23 who receives £25 and number 136 who receives £10. Contact Margaret Saxon on 832225 or email her on margaret.saxon@morespeed.net

Neighbourhood Development Plan Update v6

A draft Local plan-A meeting has been arranged with a member of Rugby Borough Council on 11th October 2016 at the Community Hall. The meeting will be held between 19:30 – 21:00 to discuss/comment on the proposed housing development in Brinklow.

Community Bulb Planting – Help Required

In liaison with the Rotary Club of Rugby we have 5,000 crocus bulbs to plant around the village. The Rotary Club have given us these bulbs to promote the work they are undertaking with Bill Gates to stamp out polio across the world. We will be holding a community bulb...