We are looking for the views of Schools, Parents/Carers and local residents to understand School Parking across the county. To complete the survey as a resident go to: https://forms.office.com/r/fcKxv1W8Hd Deadline : 30th July – All submission are...
Brinklow Parish 100 Club January 2021 Draw results: no.50 won £25 and no.21 won £10. December 2020 £25 prize no 76 and £10 prize no 24. December 2020 Superdraw prizes £50 no 63 and £27.50 no 9Contact Margaret Saxon on 832225 or email her on...
Brinklow Parish 100 Club November 2020 Draw results: no.29 won £25 and no.137 won £10.Contact Margaret Saxon on 832225 or email her on margaret.saxon@morespeed.net
THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2020 Monday November 9th 7:30 pm This will be a “Virtual Zoom” meeting to which all Brinklow residents are invited. People wishing to take part should email me and I will send them signing in details to join the meeting. Dick...
Brinklow Parish 100 Club October 2020 Draw results: no.7 won £25 and no.130 won £10.September Draw results: no.2 won £25 and no.141 won £10August Draw results: no.95 won £25 and no.50 won £10July Draw results: no.148 won £25 and no.28 won £10 Contact Margaret Saxon on...
Super draw winners for June were £75 no. 12, £50 no. 115, £39 no. 148. Draws have been made on the first Sunday of each month as usual and prizes delivered or sent to winners. £25 winners for Jan to June were nos. 47, 56, 97, 31, 140, 121 £10 winners for Jan to...
Stay at home. The single most important action you can take is to stay at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives. You should only leave the house for very limited reasons: Shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, as infrequently as...
The Mental Health Foundation has some helpful tips and ideas about coping with the outbreak and isolating: www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/looking-after-your-mental-health-during-coronavirus-outbreak The government has some helpful advice for looking after...
Follow the advice from the NHS/GovernmentKeep up to date with developmentsFollow NHS advice on www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19Stay at home for 14 days if you have Coronavirus symptoms – a high temperature and/or a new continuous coughDO NOT attend the...